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Text File | 1998-05-09 | 10.5 KB | 239 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- Twistory 1.0 PPC
- Table of Contents
- * Instructions
- * Resources
- 1. About Resources
- 2. The File Mark-up: #file
- 3. The Place Mark-up: #c
- 4. The Era Mark-ups: #bc and #ad
- 5. The Person Mark-up: #p
- 6. The Event Mark-up: #e
- 7. The Sphere Mark-up: #s
- 8. Fields
- 9. Georef Format
- 10. Date Format
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- About Resources
- Twistory comes with a folder of text resources called "ttt" and an
- index file called something like "index.ttt." When Twistory is first
- launched, you are presented with an "open dialog." Open the index file.
- The files in the "ttt" folder are of two types, identified by their
- filename extensions. The extension ".ttt" stands for "twistory text." These
- files contain information on places, people and events. There are also files
- with the extension ".geo" which are actually just ".ttt" files, but which
- are so named as a comment that they contain only place data. (You can
- actually call the files anything you want.)
- The other kind of file has the extension ".poly" for "polygon." These
- are also text files, but are most easily created and edited with a separate
- program called "PolyTool." They contain descriptions of closed or open
- polygons on the surface of the earth. Their vertex data is in minutes of
- latitude and longitude.
- The following sections describe the format of the ".ttt" files. The
- characters "#," "<" and ">" are reserved. They may only be used as
- documented below. "C++ and C-style" comments may also be used. You will see
- examples of these in the files.
- The File Mark-up: #file
- Twistory files are arranged in a hierarchy, and this markup is used to
- link them together. An index file (which can have any name) is used to list
- all files or sub-index files. As Twistory reads any file, if it finds the
- sequence "#file" it suspends reading the file it is in and opens the file
- whose name appears after the "#file" markup. The format is as follows:
- #file "ttt/egypt.ttt"
- This tells Twistory to look in the folder "ttt" for a file called
- "egypt.ttt" and to read its data in right away.
- The order in which files are listed in the index, and the order in
- which items appear in the files, is significant. For example, a place
- description must be read in before it is referred to in a person record.
- The Place Mark-up: #c
- The start of a place record is identified by the characters "#c". ("c"
- was chosen for "city," but regions of all size use the same format.) Here is
- a sample listing of four places:
- #c <n>Canada<l>55N100W<rad>1200<nat>Canadian<col>100 60 80
- #c <n>Saskatchewan<l>54N106W<rad>400<sup>Canada
- #c <n>Ontario<l>49N83W<rad>600<sup>Canada
- #c <n>Toronto<l>4339N7920W<sup>Ontario
- As you can see, places also have a hierarchy. When the map is at small
- scales, cities are not shown. An event occurring in Toronto would then
- appear next to the word "Ontario." At even smaller scales, events occurring
- in both Ontario and Saskatchewan would appear next to the word "Canada." The
- meaning of the individual fields are given below.
- The Era Mark-ups: #bc and #ad
- These mark-ups have no fields, and are used to change the default era
- for dates.
- A change in the default era made within a file is forgotten once that file
- ends and reading returns to a file which is higher up the hierarchy. But a
- change is passed down to a lower file. The safest practice is to specify
- either #bc or #ad at the beginning of every file.
- The Person Mark-up: #p
- The start of a person record is identified by the characters "#p".
- Here is a sample listing of four persons:
- #p <nat>British<o>king<n>George V<fa>Edward VII<b>1865 Jun 3<ac>1910 May 6<d>1936 Jan 20
- #p <nat>British<o>king<n>Edward VIII<fa>George V<b>1894 Jun 23<ac>1936 Jan 20<ab>1936 Dec 11<d>1972
- #p <nat>British<o>king<n>George VI<fa>George V<b>1895 Dec 14<ac>1936 Dec 11<d>1952 Feb 6
- #p <nat>British<o>queen<n>Elizabeth II<fa>George VI<b>1926 Apr 21<ac>1952 Feb 6
- #p <nat>British<o>prince<n>Charles<mo>Elizabeth II<b>1948 Nov 14
- More information on the format and meaning of fields is given below.
- Family relations are described by the father (<fa>) and mother (<mo>)
- fields. The creation of the family tree in the genealogy views is dependent
- on those links being specified in the database. A person's database record
- may have his/her father and/or mother specified. The parents must then also
- be in the database, and must appear in the listing prior to their children.
- Children are specified only by their own links to their parents. This
- seems to be the simplest way to implement family relations in the database,
- since one may have many children, and several spouses, but one usually has
- unique parents. (In the case of adoption, often only one of the parents is a
- historical figure who would appear in the database.) Unions (marriages,
- etc.) do not appear in genealogy windows, but that may be an option in
- future. Relations other than parent-child cannot be specified directly; the
- intermediate person(s) must also be in the database. (For example, the
- relationship of uncle requires both the appropriate parent and grandparent
- to be in the database, in order for that relation to be revealed in some
- genealogy window.)
- The Event Mark-up: #e
- The start of an event record is identified by the characters "#e".
- Here is a sample listing of events:
- #bc
- #e <t>battle<n>Fall of Jerusalem<d>586<c>Jerusalem<info>The city and the temple are destroyed
- #ad
- #e <t>use<n>decimal numbers in commerce<c>India<d>600
- #e <t>invent<au>Gutenberg<n>movable type<d>1456<c>Germany
- #e <t>wreck<n>The Vasa<d>1628 Aug 10
- #e <t>war<n>Third Anglo-Dutch War<d>1672<e>1674
- #e <t>extinct<n>Dodo<c>Mauritius<d>1681
- The various fields are described below.
- The Sphere Mark-up: #s
- The outline of a region such as an empire can be shown in the map view
- with a "sphere-of-influence" record. Here is an example:
- #bc
- #s <n>Old Babylonian Empire<col>80 100 100<d>1800(100)<poly>"oldbab.poly"<e>1600(100)
- The sample polygon has only one date interval, but it could have more. If
- you construct the polygons corresponding to the growth and decline of an
- empire, all of them can be linked into one sphere record by repeating the
- <d> and <poly> fields. Then end it with one <e> field. Information on these
- fields is found below.
- Fields
- All of the information with a place, person, event, or sphere record
- is in the form of fields, which have a uniform format. They all begin with a
- field identifier between the characters < and >. Examples are seen above.
- The following table summarises them. Some fields, like the name, <n>, can be
- used with different types of records. Others can only be used with one type.
- The letters c, p, e, and s indicate which records they may be used with.
- Mark-up Description Applicability Remarks
- <n> name c p e s
- <sup> super-region (name of place) c s used to link places into a hierarchy
- <aka> alias or alternate name c p
- <wat> body of water c boolean mark-up (no field following)
- <l> location (georef) c see below for format
- <adj> national adjective c the name for a person who lives there
- <col> colour c s The colour of a place is used in time-line bars.
- <sur> surname p
- <nat> nationality p should match some region's <adj> field
- <fem> female p boolean mark-up (no field following)
- <o> occupation p
- <b> date of birth p see below for format
- <d> date of death p
- <fa> father's name p
- <mo> mother's name p
- <ma> name of spouse p
- <ac> date of accession p
- <ab> date of abdication p
- <ap> date of appointment of power p
- <pow> date of taking power p
- <depo> date of being deposed p
- <el> date of election to office p
- <ret> date of retirement from office p
- <pro> rank and date of promotion p
- <c> place link (name of place) p e
- <dep> date of departure p
- <arr> date of arrival p
- <info> additional information p e
- <ref> reference p e
- <d> date e s
- <e> ending date e s
- <au> link to author (name of person) e
- <vic> winning side of battle e
- <poly> polygon file name s
- Georef Format
- Geographic References are given as the latitude and longitude
- concatenated together, in that order. Either one may be given in degrees, or
- degrees and minutes. Following the angle must appear one of the letters 'N'
- or 'S' for latitude, and 'E' or 'W' for longitude. NOTE: the degree part
- must consists of either 2 or 3 digits, not 1. If the angle is less than 10
- degrees, a leading zero must be used. (Otherwise, it would be ambiguous
- whether a three-digit angle was greater than 99 degrees and given in whole
- degrees, or an angle less than 10 degrees with minutes following.)
- Date Format
- Dates are given in the format:
- year number [ era ] [ month name [ date number ] ] [ (uncertainty) ]
- The square brackets indicate optional parts. The year is the only mandatory
- element. It may be followed by either "A.D." or "B.C." to indicate an era
- other than the default; it is necessary to do this for lives or events which
- span the boundary between the B.C. and A.D. eras, since the default cannot
- be changed in mid-record.
- Following the year, the month name or its abbreviation (not number)
- may appear, if it is known. If the month is given, the date of the month may
- follow.
- Finally, an uncertainty may be given. There is already an implied
- uncertainty in any date that has only a year, or only year and month. For
- example, if only 1520 is stated, the actual date Twistory uses to draw the
- event is 1520 July 1, but the uncertainty will be plus or minus six months.
- To specify another uncertainty, put a number in round brackets following the
- date. (No spaces are necessary.) The units are those of the last element of
- the date. For example, 1889 May(3) means three month either side of 1889 May
- 15.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Last modified on 1998 May 9